Saturday, October 25, 2008

W. The Movie Based on a True Story: Frontline The Choice HEAT

Going to see the movie W. tonight. My wife and I are finishing a few chores around the house and decided of all the movies to go see that we ought to see W.

We saw Oliver Stone and the movie's lead Josh Brolin on the Charlie Rose show recently. Perhaps, that is part of the allure, the pull to see W. But then again, there really isn't much that has stoked the fire about laying down $10 a ticket, and forget the popcorn, buddy.

...11 10 12... Days until NOVEMBER Fourth!!!

The movie is supposed to be a fact-based, not trying to belittle him, honest look at the man who has been President for the past eight years. The trailer looks like evidence that the movie will be what Stone says it will be. I try to get back with you about it, and please if you've seen it or have comments - let me know.

The show that has proven to be honest and worth the watch, in my opinion, is The Choice. PBS Frontline's documentary about the Presidential hopefuls is bar-none, impressive.

I thought I would be so totally underwelmed by yet another reiteration of the information I've heard 1,000 times already - John McCain was a Navy pilot; Barack Obama is the son of a Kansas mother and an African father... But it, through the Frontline lens ends up being so much more than that. They really do a fantastic job, and HEAT is another, similarly phenominal documentary.

One of the beauties of the Frontline programs is that you can watch them - totally free, totally online - moreover, they are in eight minute blocks that make sense to watch all together or one or a couple at a time until you are finished. Really quality reporting, really smart entertainment.

Check it out for yourself and see if you don't agree. let me know if you have any questions/comments/or thoughts. Best...

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